Friday, June 1, 2007

Say YES!!

How do you pop the question “Will you marry me” ?

In Singapore the most common proposal appears to be "Let's apply a flat". This is definitEly the most straight-forward and efficient way to propose but I doubt it is the way any lady would want her dream proposal to be like.

Most ladies want their boyfriend to pop the question in the most romantic and sincere way.
While the guy will have head cracking time thinking ways to propose to their other half.

No worries anymore! Here we are to plan and customise the most romantic marriage proposal only for you to get the "YES" from your other half within your budget. After all, a romantic proposal doesn't have to be expensive.
All that is require are some innovation, excitement and lots of sincerity.

Below is one of our idea that do not need much expenses:

In this century everyone holds a Handphone and most handphone will have a voice recording function. Since we have that function we shouldn't waste it, all you need to do is to record your own voice into your mobile phone. What to record? Of course is "XXX, Will you marry me?" After recording it set is as the ringing tone for your wife to be's contact ringer (remember this! I will explain the consequence for this later on).

Now it is time for you to call your gf and meet up with her. Please get the ring ready (it is a must for all proposal!) When you see her, take her for some shopping dinner and so on.

Next bring her to the beach. "let's take a walk by the beach" (please make sure it is at night, we don't want her to sweat like a pig neither do you), take a sit by an empty beach. Tell her in a casual way that you have a new ringing tone and ask her to call you using her hp. While she is doing it, secretly slip your hand into the pocket and take out the ring. Once your mobile phone starts ringing, kneel down by her side and offers the ring to her.

The task is done once she say "YES!"

*IMPT: Set the ringing tone as her contact ringer, we do not want your friends to call and the tone start to say "XXX, will you marry me?"

Who said proposal is not romantic in Singapore?

Need help with more detailed proposal ideas? Or more information on the charges? Please feel to contact Eileen at